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紙布 shifu




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Tradition Japanese

紙布 日本の伝統織物



​紙布 shifu

広島湾に浮かぶ江田島の津島織物製造㈱が製造する伝統織物「紙布(しふ)」は、丈夫な紙素材で織られており、吸湿性と通気性に優れ、「呼吸する壁紙」として親しまれています。 この製品は、昭和時代に製造された紙布織物のデッドストックである在庫反を使用し、価値ある製品へとアップサイクルされたものです。通常の紙布織物と遜色なく、現在では製造が難しい技術で織られたものも含まれており、非常に希少です。日本の伝統織物を、日常の中でぜひお楽しみください。

The traditional textile "Shifu" (paper cloth), manufactured by Tsushima Textile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. on Etajima Island in Hiroshima Bay, is woven from durable paper material. It is highly regarded for its excellent moisture absorption and breathability, earning it the name "breathing wallpaper."

This product has been upcycled into a valuable item using dead stock rolls of shifu fabric manufactured during the Showa era. It maintains the same quality as regular shifu textiles and includes pieces woven with techniques that are now difficult to reproduce, making it exceptionally rare. Enjoy the beauty of Japan’s traditional textiles in your daily life.




Shikokuchuo City, known as the "Town of Paper," has long combined abundant water resources with expert craftsmanship to produce high-quality paper products. Shirakawa Paper Co., Ltd. carries on this tradition through four key processes: "suku" (scooping), "kiru" (cutting), "yoru + someru" (twisting + dyeing), and "oru" (weaving), conducted at specialized factories in Ehime, Aichi, and Kyoto. The company manufactures "shifu," a rare paper fabric also used for wallpaper. This product has been reborn as an item that fits seamlessly into daily life. Enjoy its rich texture and the craftsmanship woven into every detail.



©Shifu-Kamiora by ZANPUP 

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